Episode Twenty-Two: On The Camp Path|Jon and Tyler head out towards the camp which they have been invited to|17/6/15.Episode Twenty-One: Monocco Town Gym, Here We Go!|Tyler's turn for his second Gym Badge has arrived|10/6/15.Episode Twenty: Enter The Evolution|While Jon and Tyler train, one of their Pokemon begin to evolve|3/6/15.Episode Nineteen: Into Ilex Forest We Go|Jon and Tyler head off into Ilex Forest|27/5/15.Episode Eighteen: Jon VS Michael|Out of nowhere, Michael, Jon's dad, has asked Jon to a Pokemon Battle|21/5/15.Episode Seventeen: All Or Nothing|The battle between Jon and Bugsy heats up, but who will be victorious?|20/5/15.Episode Sixteen: The Bugsy Situation|The time of Jon's gym battle against Bugsy has arrived.Episode Fifteen: Finding A New Leaf|Jon is doing some special training in preparation for Bugsy's Gym|6/5/15.What will they do and what are Team Rocket trying to achieve?|29/4/15 Episode Fourteen: Rocket Trouble|Just before entering Azalea Town, Team Rocket capture the hero's.Episode Thirteen: Union Cave|After going into Union Cave, it doesn't take long till everyone get split up|22/4/15.Episode Twelve: Glory Fishing|Taking a break on Route 32, the team have a go at fishing, but find a Pokemon which isn't from Johto|15/4/15.Episode Eleven: A Shocking Encounter|After leaving Violet City, Jon and Co find an injured Pikachu|8/4/15.Episode Ten: Jon VS Falkner! All For The First Gym Badge|Jon battles Falkner again after getting inspired by Tyler's match|1/4/15.Episode Nine: Tyler's Turn! Battle With Teamwork|Tyler has a go at the Gym after Jon's go|25/3/15.Episode Eight: The Gym Of Violet City| The time for the gym battle has come.Episode Seven: Violet Poacher|After arriving in Violet City, news is that a poacher is near by|11/3/15.Episode Six: The Brother Reunion| Jon's brother meets up with Jon and Tyler on their way to Violet City|4/3/15.Episode Five: Cherrygrove Cup Final|Tyler has gotten to the final, but can he and his partner win?25/02/15.The Battle Among Friends|Jon and Tyler battle against each other to progress to the next stage|Feb 18, 2015 Episode Three: The Cherrygrove Cup Begins|There is a tournament in Cherrygrove City.

Pokemon season 15 episode 36 series#
Season 1 - Pokemon The Series XY (Opening Theme)